
Hello, I'm Maryam Blanes: founder of JULIETA BRAND and I want to tell you why and how I started this adventure. I worked for years in an institution in Malaga where entrepreneurship and the enthusiasm for creating new projects were part of my daily life. I had always had the itch to create and lead something of my own, to be absolutely responsible for every decision. After the birth of my two daughters I decided to stop postponing my dreams: the time had come to bring out the movement that I had inside me, my ideas, my initiative and my desire.

There were always dressmakers in my family, my paternal grandmother raised me among her threads and interlinings. That heritage together with the personal passion I have for what is Andalusian, what is traditional and the love for Malaga made me realize that I had all the tools to to be able to turn my dream into reality. This is how Julieta Brand was born , with a lot of enthusiasm, love for everything from Malaga and with ethical and sustainable values ​​in its designs, which unite the traditional and the contemporary, resulting in unique and exclusive garments made by women and for women.

We started sewing in our homes and made an online store, I remember the excitement of the first orders, each order that came in was a celebration. After realizing that JULIETA was cool and that it generated a lot of curiosity around us, I decided to go for opening a physical space, not a store but a studio-workshop where we could serve our clients and so they could learn about the quality of our products in situ. The team was expanding, people with a lot of talent and enthusiasm are now part of Julieta and from here on everything remains to be written.

Through my brand I hope to inspire other women to pursue their own dreams like I did mine. No one said it was easy, but I am absolutely convinced that simply trying makes it worth it.

Love, Juliet.


Julieta Brand is not just a clothing brand, it is dream, magic and inspiration, it is color, life and joy.

In a world where everything had to be done yesterday,
slow fashion makes us stop, reflect and value what we have in our hands.

Craftsmanship is the new luxury: quality, exclusivity and sustainability. The luxury of having a handmade, artisanal garment is priceless today.

Julieta Brand's fashion explores the joy of life and the Spanish essence and reinterprets the country's rich history through cinema, art, flamenco and literature. We return to tradition, to the Andalusian identity and bring it to the present, to the most contemporary and current, as a bridge between past and future.

Julieta's designs are respectful of the environment and strive to preserve it , using local women with decades of experience. They also advocate a custom-made business model, allowing for the optimization of resources. In the search for new, more conscious models in the industry, we rely on circular tailoring , in which the client can be an active part in the creation process.

Through Julieta we hope to inspire you to pursue your own dreams , that Julieta's clothes transform the way you look at yourself, making you feel so strong and special that you want to take on the world to build the life you want.

Julieta is not how she makes you feel, it's how she makes you feel .

Juliet is in you, Juliet is all of us.

Muchos adjetivos nos definirían, pero nada ni nadie lo hará mejor que tú